Personal Development Call to Action!

PDCA – a Personal Development Call to Action

Continuous improvement in organisations starts with continuous learning and growth at an individual level, which is why personal development is important.  Indeed, proceeding to achieve sustainable Operational Excellence calls for constant learning, honest reflection and harnessing the full potential of our people to routinely remove constraints, solve problems and find a better way.  Fujio Cho,…

Yanny or Laurel?

Yanny or Laurel?

Are you Team Yanny or Team Laurel? If you don’t yet know, make your mind up here! This was the question that divided the nation last week when an audio clip hit the internet, featuring a single word being repeated. But what is that word? Whilst some people unmistakably hear the word “yanny”, others hear…

Sleep lean six sigma

Sleep Sigma!

Are you coming to learn with us? Better make sure you get a good night’s sleep! According to neuroscientist Matthew Walker, sleeping is the best thing you can do before and after learning, in order to cement the memory and make learning stick.   Sleeping before learning has the effect of clearing out the hippocampus…
