Happy Easter

Poka Yoke

Happy Easter everyone! Please egg-scuse the pun – but what a great opportunity to blog about Poka Yoke. Poka Yoke is a Japanese term for error proofing. This is key whether designing a new process or improving an existing one. Poka Yoke devices are often simple and inexpensive, sometimes we don’t even notice they are…


Creating a Culture of Excellence

When creating and growing a business, leaders typically focus most on acquiring and organising the skills, tools and other key resources required to achieve objectives and deliver results. The priority is often the tangible and visible components of structures, facilities, technology, infrastructure, partners/suppliers, customers, products and services. The organisation’s most precious resource meanwhile, its people,…


Catalyst Consulting Sponsors the Quality Team of the Year Award at the CQI’s Inaugural International Quality Awards

The CQI’s International Quality Awards celebrates the achievements of quality professionals across the globe who have made exceptional contributions in their organisations. The 22 November awards, were held at the historic Merchant Taylors’ Hall in the City of London. Fifty-four per cent of all entries came from quality professionals working internationally with entries from over…

yo-yo mastery


There’s a talk on TED that I came across recently that features BLACK, the Japanese YoYo World Champion. In it, he talks about finding his life’s passion (YoYos) when he was 8 years old, and devoting every spare minute to practicing, in order to show the world just how spectacular the YoYo can be. His…

Deployment Lean Six Sigma Day

New Recruits!

Join us in a very warm welcome to Chris Merriman and James Dwan to the Catalyst team. Chris formally joined us as a Director into Catalyst in April. Having been an MBB at Honeywell before he joined Sun Microsystems as lead MBB back in 2002, he went on to join Unisys as their Global Quality…
