Featured content from Catalyst’s experienced team of Trainers and Consultants. Themes include Lean Six Sigma Training and Consulting, Continuous Improvement and Operational Excellence

yo-yo mastery


There’s a talk on TED that I came across recently that features BLACK, the Japanese YoYo World Champion. In it, he talks about finding his life’s passion (YoYos) when he was 8 years old, and devoting every spare minute to practicing, in order to show the world just how spectacular the YoYo can be. His…

Prince Charming

  As it’s the season for pantomime, This month’s blog is set in rhyme! It might seem whimsy or a little bit twee, But it’s still Lean Six Sigma, as you’ll see! Are you ready to start? It’s not so alarming This article’s about…Prince Charming!   Have you ever thought, and did you consider, How…

How Brian Saved Christmas

  It was the week before Christmas, and Santa’s workshop was very busy indeed. In Santa’s HQ, footage from SantaCams across the globe was being scrutinized to confirm who’s been Naughty or Nice, spreadsheets prepared and route-planners updated. Out in the stables the reindeer were being groomed, and the sleigh serviced and shone to perfection.…