Empower Your Entire Team with Our 5S Workshops 

A Collaborative Approach to Lean Management 

5S BonsaiIn the world of business, success is a collective endeavour. Our 5S workshops are crafted to engage not just leaders but every member of your team. By facilitating a process that includes everyone in the work area, we help you build a cohesive, efficient, and continuously improving organisation. 

What is 5S? 

5S is a cornerstone of lean management that focuses on five key principles: Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardise, and Sustain. More than a method, it’s a philosophy that brings together leaders and team members to create a harmonious and effective work environment. 

Our Inclusive 5S Workshops 

Sort (Seiri): Together, we identify and remove what’s unnecessary, involving everyone in the decision-making process. 

Set in Order (Seiton): We help your team organise tools and resources in a way that maximises efficiency for all. 

Shine (Seiso): Through collaboration, we create a clean and orderly workspace that everyone can take pride in. 

Standardise (Seiketsu): Our workshops guide your team to develop consistent practices, ensuring alignment from top to bottom. 

Sustain (Shitsuke): We empower everyone to maintain and continually improve the new standards, fostering a culture of shared responsibility and growth. 


Why Choose Catalyst? 

Team Engagement: Our workshops are designed to involve everyone, ensuring that each voice is heard and valued. 

Leadership Integration: We align leaders with the broader team, promoting a shared vision and cohesive strategy. 

Customised Approach: Recognising that every organisation is unique, we tailor our workshops to your specific needs and goals. 

Proven Results: Our inclusive approach to 5S has a track record of increasing efficiency, reducing waste, and boosting morale across entire organisations. 

Invest in Collective Success 

Our 5S workshops are more than a training program; they are a pathway to a more unified, agile, and successful organisation. By facilitating a process that includes everyone in the work area, we help you tap into the collective wisdom and energy of your team. Contact us today to take the first step toward a brighter future.  

Contact Us

If you would like to find out more about our services and how they could help you and your organisation, then please feel free to contact us. You can do this by clicking on the button below and we will be happy to help.